GODtalks began on December 13, 2020, a year for the history books, to be sure. I already had the December GODtalks ready, as I was leading worship in a Presbyterian church in upstate New York. Then there was one abrupt phone call from the head of the Presbytery, who had decided my training was not Calvinistic enough, and I was asked to not continue. It was truly sad, as the congregation and I were a great fit. So, out of the ashes of my being asked to leave, GODtalks rose like a Phoenix. There are resurrection stories everywhere!
12.27.20 The Work of Christmas "This feels so like my church when it is at its best. What a simple,
strong faith you have. And you are completely yourself – no bells and whistles.
Just integrity. So good of you to share your light with me, and with the
world." Elizabeth Alexander (composer whose work
was included in 12.27.20)